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How to learn to play the Handpan?

Comment apprendre à jouer du Handpan ?, tutoriel handpan, lecon handpan, cours handpan, apprendre handpan

You attended a concert of handpan (also called hang drum) ? Maybe you saw it in a video on YouTube? Since that moment, you have been dreaming of buying one of these wonderful instruments, with such an enchanting sound. We know this feeling because, as manufacturers and musicians, we have all been there.

However, how to learn to play this incredible instrumentOnce we have done it the acquisition ? This is the question we are going to answer here.

Also to read: Comment est fabriqué le Handpan ?

hang drum artisanal; handpan 9 notes

1. Learn to play the Handpan online

Newcomer to the family of percussions, le Handpan makes a discreet place for itself in concert halls. You cannot yet learn this instrument in the music schoolsThat's why websites offer you to learn to play the Handpan. Here are the ones that the community talks about the most:

Each of these sites has its specific features. Some are free, others are paid, but all are of very good quality for learning to play the Handpan.

2. Learn to play the Handpan with Superprof

handpan débutant, apprendre handpan

Superprof is a platform that connects teachers and some students in all areas. It allows you to learn mathematics, Chinese, or music with the hand pan.

Its great advantage is that it allows you to connect with teachers near you. This therefore opens up the possibility of learning to jouer du handpan, not through a screen, but directly in a private lesson with a teacher.

The prices for private lessons range from €15 to €45 per hour.

3. Master the Handpan with Master the Handpan

It is a solution 100% online which allows you to learn to play the handpan through tutorials ranging from beginner to advanced.

One of the great advantages of this site is that you can to progress at your own pace since you have lifetime access to the training provided to you.

The price of each training course is €149.

4. Learn the Handpan with Handpan Dojo

percussion, well-being, handpan d'occasion, handpan neuf

Other website rented by the community of Handpan learners, Handpan Dojo works on the same principle as Master the Handpan.

You will not only have lifetime access to the site but also the ability to access it from any device.

The course prices range from €89 to €400.

5. Learn to play the Handpan with Youtube

The last solution is the 100% free one from Youtube. Many channels were created at the same time as the democratization of the Handpan, and some of them are dedicated to teaching the Handpan with video tutorials.

Here is an example of a video to get started

You will also find some of the speakers who offer paid courses on the aforementioned platforms, such as David Charrier, from Master the Handpan.

Youtube can therefore help you start learning and get familiar with certain teachers before deciding to invest in Handpan courses.

There are many others, such as David Urban, Amy Naylor or else Gerard SpencerChoose based on their artistic qualities and the quality of their teaching.


handpan 432hz, handpan débutant


6. Comparison of platforms to learn the Handpan: Options, Levels, and Prices

Platform Type Target Access Specificity Price
Superprof Online / Physical Beginners to experts Private lessons Private lessons near you 15€ - 45€ / hour
Master the Handpan 100% online Beginners to advanced Lifetime access Progress at your own pace 149€ per training
Handpan Dojo 100% online All levels Lifetime access Multi-device access 89€ - 400€
Youtube 100% online All levels Free Large variety of free tutorials Free


Ready to vibe? Explore our handpan collection unique and find the perfect instrument that will facilitate your learning and then your musical journey.

7. The Zenapan blog: Your guide to the Handpan

Zenapan stands out as an essential blog, a true hub of tips and tricks dedicated to learning the hang drum. De beginner to expert, find the orientations and resources needed for :

  • Master the basics 

Understand the fundamentals of the steel hang drum, from selecting your first instrumentnew or used handpan) to the understanding of notes and scales (hang scale).

  • Advanced techniques 

Specialized items to perfect your technique and explore more complex compositions (handpan 440 hertz).

  • Well-being and music 

Discover how the handpan can become a wellness tool, with tips on relaxationhandpan 432 hertz).

Zenapan is your ally for a deep immersion in the universe of the handpan, offering a holistic approach for all levels.

What to remember

handpan musique, hang drum, instrument de musique

L'learning the handpan, this enchanting percussion instrument is accessible through various platforms suitable for everyone, from beginners to the musicians experienced. Whether you choose personal lessons on Superprof, some online course structured through Master the Handpan and Handpan Dojo, or free access to a plethora of tutorials on YouTube, each option offers a unique approach to dive into the world of hang drum.

Explorer these resources allows you to navigate between bien-être and musical creation, whether for relaxation at 432 hertz or composition at 440 hertz.

handpan 432hz; handpan 440hz; handpan equinox; handpan kurd


1. What is the best place to start learning the handpan?

For beginners, YouTube is an excellent free resource full of tutorials to get started. For a more structured learning experience, platforms like Master the Handpan offer comprehensive courses.

2. How much does a handpan for beginners cost?

Used handpans can be a more affordable option, with prices starting around €700. For a new quality handpan, expect to pay between €1,500 and €2,000.

3. Is it difficult to learn to play the handpan?

Avec sa gamme intuitive et son approche accessible, the handpan est considéré comme relativement facile à apprendre, surtout pour ceux qui ont une base en percussion ou une bonne sensibilité musicale.

4. Where to buy a quality handpan?

The specialized handpan shops and online handpan stores are the best places to find quality instruments. Also, make sure to explore the options for buying second-hand handpans for interesting deals.

5. How long does it take to master the handpan?

The mastery of the handpan varies from person to person, but with regular practice, progress can be swift. Most players notice a significant improvement after a few months of diligent practice.

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